
Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for our awesome God who has been so faithful to our church. We also are thankful for each one of you! We hope you are able to spend time this week with people you love and experiencing God’s grace and goodness.

We hope you can join us Sunday morning when Highpoint Lead Pastor Ron Zappia will be preaching at The Sanctuary at 9:30 and 11 a.m. This is the next step in our journey to get to know more about the ministry of Highpoint Church in Naperville. The Sanctuary has been praying and seeking God’s direction as we consider joining with Highpoint to become part of a multisite church.

At the end of our sermon series, ONE, we will be hosting a lunch to create conversation about finding unity in diversity. David Spencer, senior pastor at The Church of Chicago, will facilitate a discussion on how the church can become more aware of the diversity in our community and love each other better. If you have questions you would like to discuss at the lunch, please write them on the tear-off section. Please sign up at the Info Table if you plan to attend the lunch after second service Dec. 2.

We plan to continue the multisite conversation with another Family Chat gathering at 7 p.m. Dec. 12. If you have questions that you would like to discuss with an elder prior to that meeting, please contact the elders here.

We would like to set aside time every Sunday between services and Tuesdays at 6 a.m. to pray as a body for the next steps for our church. Please make this a priority and join us in the hallway outside the office for weekly prayer.

Would you like to learn about hosting a discussion group in your community to provide a safe environment to explore questions about God and faith? Beginning in January, The Sanctuary will join more than 1,000 other churches in Chicagoland by inviting our community to look at seven big questions about God, Jesus, faith and purpose as part of the “Explore God” sermon series. If you are interested in learning what it means to host a discussion group in your community, please plan to attend an Info Meeting on Dec. 2 to learn more. Sign up at the Info Table.

Hope for the Holidays, our annual fair trade holiday bazaar is coming 6 to 9 p.m. Dec. 7 and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. 8! Make plans to shop with a purpose when you give a gift that gives twice! Proceeds from the event go to help artisan families living in third world countries and disadvantaged workers right here in Chicagoland. The event will include live music, plus a coffee bar and treats Friday evening (Dec. 7) and the chance to experience ethnic food options on Saturday (Dec. 8). For more info, visit hopefortheholidays.info. .

At Bolingbrook Christian Health Center’s annual Christmas event on Dec. 8, parents of more than 350 children sign up to shop at a gift mart. If you can donate, please drop off new gifts at the church anytime before the event. We are concentrating on collecting gifts for children ages 12 to 18. For volunteer opportunities, click here.

If you are looking for an easy and meaningful way to serve in our community, sign up to partner with Morningstar Mission. We have the opportunity to help serve dinner to those without homes 3:45 to 6 p.m. Dec. 7 and 15. There is room for seven volunteers on each date.

Men of The Sanctuary meet monthly from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. in the Community Room for breakfast, Bible study, discussion and accountability. The next Fight Club meets Nov. 24.

Our junior high and high school ministries meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays for student-led worship, large group teaching, small group discussion and tons of FUN! Feel free to arrive at 6:30 for hangout time.

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